Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I've got mail!

The girls are out of school this week for høstferie (autumn vacation) so it's a laid back week. Today I took Amy to the playground which was completely deserted, so between pushes on the swing, I would do squats and she would laugh at me. I haven't been exercising as consistently the last couple of week so I'm trying to squeeze in things here and there to get back on track.

Walking around the park
The highlight of my day was receiving a handwritten letter from Chandler. Of course, I nearly cried. I miss my beebs so ridiculously much. The happiness I felt opening my letter inspired me to write a few myself, which is how I've spent my last two hours. I killed two pens in this process and included lots of lip stain kisses. I think snail mail is such a heartfelt way to remind people you're thinking of them. A.K.A. write me letters please :)

Chan's card (The inside said, "I'm dog-on board!")
LOTS of writing as you can see
Lucia (the mother of the family I work for) just brought me a bowl of freshly baked pear crumble and I think I'm in heaven. Off to shower and do some reading. Hope everyone has a good day!

Monday, September 29, 2014

A Monday to Forget

Another uneventful day for me. I woke up around 10 AM and spent the majority of the day reading and taking notes for my government course. As incredibly annoying as it is to do coursework in Norway, the end is near. I can't wait to read books again (that I like). I have a million books I want to read and my Kindle has missed me. 

Here's a few snapshots from the day.

Can't complain too much with this view!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Finishing College

My latest annoyances are the two online courses hanging over my head. I've walked the stage in cap and gown but have no diploma. Deadlines are approaching quickly and anxiety is at an all time high. 

But after studying all day, I'm taking a *quick* blogging break. Here are a few other recent pictures. 

Kornelia and I had a chill weekend. Prior to our night out, we sat on the couch and watched probably ten episodes of Kyle XY (don't ask) and ate loads of junk food.


The weekend before that, Phil visited. Although it was cloudy when the above photo was taken, we had amazing weather and spent lots of time outside. Highlights: kebab by the castle, sunset at Aker Brygge, beers at Frognerseteren Restaurant, and being super tourists at Frogner Park ^

Found this treasure when I was cleaning the other day :') I love my job.

Gonna stop here because school. Send me good vibes.

Saturday, September 27, 2014


It's settled. I'm going to make a blog that I actually keep. There will be no theme and no real purpose but to create a place to keep my memories. I want to be able to look back on a day in time and remember what I did and the way I felt. 

With that said, here's an update on my life: I'm back in Bærum! It's been almost two months now and I'm starting to remember why I love it so much here. Though my friends were a huge part of my life the first time around, I'm realizing that my attachment to Norway is so much more. It's the experience of all four seasons, the views that follow you everywhere, the good natured people, the funny accent that I pick up from being around exclusively Norwegians, the brown cheese, etc. 

This time I'm back, miraculously in the same area, as a nanny for three girls (19 months, 5, and 7). That's all the details I'll give for a first blog post. 

Here were some highlights from my week:

Kornelia and I met Else Kåss Furuseth from Torsdag kveld fra Nydalen (basically the SNL of Norway) so she's a big deal. 

And I taught Aizea (the oldest) to two-step. (Ignore horrible music I found on Spotify.)

That's it for now.